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Swastik Roy Posted: "Breaking Boundaries with AI" Discover how artificial intelligence is reshaping industries and unlocking new possibilities...


Sumit Maulikan and 25 others reacted to the post

··· 23min ago
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Tanya Mukherjee commented on Manisha's post.


Gen AI is revolutionizing creativity and problem-solving!

··· 56min ago
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Harsh Gupta Posted: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest JavaScript features and frameworks transforming web development...


Sneha Singh and 36 others reacted to the post

··· 2hr ago
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Manisha Mallik reposted a video.


Shreya Das and 45 others reacted on the video

··· 2.5hr ago
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Sneha Singh Posted: I'm excited to share that I've recently expanded my knowledge in the field of Generative AI. Through focused learning, I've gained insights into Generative AI, Large Language Models...


Tanya Mukherjee and 22 others reacted to the post

··· 3hr ago
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Abhra Chatterjee Posted: From cloud computing to quantum breakthroughs, explore the innovations driving the future of technology...


Sumit Maulikan and 37 others reacted on the post

··· 3hr ago
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Swastik Roy reposted a post.


22 reactions · 11comments.

··· 4hr ago
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Shreya Das Posted: As a Product Matter Manager in our group project, the responsibility was to ensure the team's efforts were strategically aligned with the project's goals. Defining product requirements...


Swastik Roy and 66 others reacted on the post

··· 5hr ago
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